
Why Sunscreen Will Always Be Your Medi Lift Best Friend

Why Sunscreen Will Always Be Your Medi Lift Best Friend

Celebrity dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD warns that skipping sunscreen can actually interfere with your good Medi Lift rejuvenation progress

We know about the two kinds of skin aging. There is intrinsic skin aging which is genetically programmed and extrinsic skin aging which depends on how well (or not) you have protected your skin over the years. Photoaging, that is UV damage from the sun, is the primary culprit in the extrinsic camp.

Photoaging signs include laxity, roughened texture and fine lines which are harbingers of collagen damage. (There are others but we’ll stick with these three for now.) Collagen is the connective tissue (elastin is the other), stretchy by nature, that holds everything together and gives the skin its youthful bounce and spring. Look at a baby’s skin and you’ll see collagen at its most robust.

The sinister part of photoaging is that it keeps score and is cumulative. An unprotected damaging sunburn you got in your teens, for example, may manifest as the fine lines you’re dealing with now.

Says celebrity dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD, “Every single rejuvenating procedure or product we do or use–from the most sophisticated technologies like laser resurfacing, plasma pen fibroblast treatments, ultrasound, radiofrequency or microneedling in a doctor’s office; to chemical peels performed by an aesthetician; or to over the counter exfoliating products like retinols, all work by helping with collagen repair. That’s how Medi Lift works too by triggering collagen synthesis beneath the skin’s surface.

Forgetting to apply sunscreen leaves the skin open to more UV exposure, adding to even more collagen damage to what’s already there. In other words, you’ll be undoing all your good work, the skin will continue to visibly age and it’ll be next to impossible to catch up.

Dr. Shamban recommends applying at least an SPF30 every day whatever your location and whatever the weather. Ideally, she’d love you to apply it twice a day but knows that most people won’t do that.

And as a physician, Dr. Shamban notes that sunscreen does a lot more than protect your skin’s good looks. It’s your first order of protection against deadly skin cancers too.


About Medi Lift

Medi Lift is a rejuvenating topical skincare collection inspired by microneedling’s ability to deliver active ingredients deeper into the skin but without the use of needles or equipment. Incorporating advanced technology, the initial two lines include Needle Lift products containing our proprietary micro-spicule-intense Golden Needle Complex–to be configured into three different three-product regimens–and the Micro-Moments Special Care Collection, a series of occlusive patches containing self-dissolving micro-tips. Developed and manufactured by prestige Japanese beauty tool specialists and product formulators Ya-Man, Ltd.


“Forgetting to apply sunscreen leaves the skin open to more UV exposure, adding to more collagen damage to what’s already there. In other words, you’ll be undoing all your good work, the skin will continue to visibly age, and it’ll be next to impossible to catch up.”


–– Ava Shamban, MD
Dermatologist, AVA MD
IG @avamd_

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